USI's commitment to gender equality in organising public events


Institutional Communication Service

31 May 2021

USI is an institution that believes in diversity: To respect and foster gender equality, USI publishes today its commitment to a greater gender representation in the organisation of public events. An important document in which USI commits to ensuring the most balanced presence possible of speakers of different genders in events organised by the academic and administrative staff.

Regardless of the disciplinary field and subjects, a panel is all the more effective when it presents competent speakers and different perspectives. Ensuring diversity in speakers within a public event increases its quality and pluralism and helps convey a multifaceted and non-stereotypical representation of the discipline or professional field involved.

The charge applies to participants at conference panels and roundtables, the selection of speakers and moderators, and the selection of guest speakers.

To facilitate the fulfilment of this commitment, the USI Equal Opportunity Delegation has also developed a set of practical tips for all university community members to bear in mind when organising their events.

The full document "Gender Equality in the Organization of Public Events Sponsored by USI" and the related practical tips are available in the attachment.

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