#USI25 - Convergence and Distance


Staff - Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society

Date: 7 June 2021 / 17:30 - 19:30

An event developed on the interconnected phenomena of convergence and distance between the community and people, technologies and media, myths and ideas, conflicts and reparations, consumption and communication practices. A very unconventional evening, where art, dialogue and your participation will create an interactive moment that we hope will be cherished fondly.

Over the last few years, there has been a lot of attention paid to convergence processes. Among these, the media and technological convergence, the approach, sometimes problematic and problematised, between styles of consumption, the migration of myths and the contagion of ideas, the involvement and detachment in public debates, the conflict and repair through dialogue and narration, migration and the (failed?) integration between different peoples ...

Does everything converge, or is there still room, and meaning, for distance? How are movements of convergence and states of distance connected? What tensions do approaches and distances across time and history imply? To what extent, and in what forms, do processes of convergence stand for
of rapprochement, communication and mutual understanding between the worlds that converge?

An itinerant seminar among the spaces of the East Campus in Lugano inaugurates the Cultural Project promoted by the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society, combining reflection, entertainment and dialogue. With this unconventional initiative, the University opens its borders to the region, and the region enters the University.

Free entrance
East Campus
Via la Santa 1

More information on the cultural project of the Faculty of Communication, Culture and Society is available here: https://www.com.usi.ch/it/progettoculturale

Mandatory registration at this link: https://www.com.usi.ch/iscrizione-progettoculturale